Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prescription Origin Codes

Telephone or Fax?
Electronic Or Written?

What matter does it make? I have yet been properly explained origin of origin codes.
What possible difference could it make to anybody where the prescription came from. Or enough of a difference that it was mandated that all prescriptions now have to it recorded. Of course we retail pharmacist know why.

Insurance Audits

Here we have another technicality that the insurance companies can hang their hat on in order not to pay your claim. "Oh we know that you dispensed Enbrel, but you said it was a electronic rx and meanwhile it was faxed. Sorry." And just like that you are out two grand. It's not good enough that our profit margin is a measly 10%. Now we are in even greater jeopardy of losing the whole claim.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So it has come to this. I have for a long time been searching for a blog by and for Pharmacist. When I say Pharmacist, I am talking about your everyday regular joe Pharmacist. When you want to find out what is going on with the issues important to you. Why did it seem Medicaid, for a awhile, stopped paying for SSD? Am I the only one getting harassed by Aetna audits? Have a phony script story you want to share?

This is going to be the place for all that stuff. Please feel free to share anything about retail pharmacy. I will try my best to keep this as up-to-date as possible, aiming for at least weekly entries, hopefully bi-weekly.

This is for the Mes out there.